WORK: Widows and Orphans in Rural Kenya

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November 2017 Curry and Quiz  St. Mary's Catholic ChurchA curry and quiz evening was supported by parishioners and friends of St.Mary's Catholic Church, Barnstaple.  It was a very enjoyable evening which raised £1,000 for W.O.R.K.   This will help to buy equipment for St. Bakhita's Clinic which has recently benefited from the building of new wards to increase the number of beds.  As last year, thanks go to St.Peter's Church, Fremington for the use of their lovely church hall. Concentration as Mary-jane reads out the questions.        September 2017 Half MarathonMany thanks to Curtis Gubb who raised £554 for W.OR.K. by running the Richmond Half Marathon. Curtis has visited Kenya where he taught at a secondary school for six weeks.  His ongoing support for W.O.R.K. is much appreciated.  Read more about Curtis's time in Kenya.      September 2017 Estuaries RowAnnie Cuffe-Fuller rowed up and down the main estuaries in south Devon to raise money for a new children's ward at St. Bakhita's clinic.  With some choppy conditions and her two lively dogs to accompany her on the last lap Annie was pleased to arrive back at Kingsbridge having covered about 35 miles in total.   Read more about Annie's challenge.   July 2017 5K Inflatable ChallengeA ladies’ team from the village of Ide near Exeter raised nearly £800 when they took part in the 5K Inflatable Challenge at Westpoint Arena.As one team member explained:“We were faced with the challenge of 10 giant inflatable obstacles spaced over a 5K distance. What ensued was the best, hilarious and, not without challenges, time.  Pulling yourself up on ropes, sliding down, tripping, bouncing into each other, the odd accidental kicking incident and finishing off with a death slide of enormous proportions as well as leaping off into thin air and hoping for the best! A fantastic time well spent...plans are already afoot for the next challenge...”Many thanks to the team for their splendid total.  Every penny will go to help some of the poorest people.       January 2017 W.O.R.K. chosen as Charity of the Year.Christ Church Methodist Church in Barnstaple has adopted W.O.R.K. as their charity of the year.Each year the church chooses a charity to support.  Social events throughout the year provide an opportunity for church members to get together and enjoy themselves while raising funds for their chosen good cause.  Many thanks for choosing W.O.R.K. this year.  Some of very poorest people will be the beneficiaries of the church's generosity. Kenyan orphan helped by north Devon studentSefalina is a very poor orphan who is being helped by north Devon student, Eliza.   Eliza's step-grandfather, Len, died leaving her some money in his will.   Len was a great supporter of W.O.R.K. and Eliza decided to carry on his support by donating the money to help an orphan in Kenya.Sefalina now has her school uniform and is doing well in her studies.  She is very happy to have been helped by Eliza.  Gaining an education means she will have a chance to support herself in the future.  Thank you, Eliza!   January 2017  Coffee and cakesA splendid total of £925 was raised last year from donations for coffee and cake after Wednesday morning Mass at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Barnstaple.       Along with delicious cake, a friendly welcome and chat awaits everyone in the presbytery.    December 2016 'At Home'Parishioners, neighbours and friends who gathered to enjoy mince pies at the presbytery of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Kingsbridge donated £285 to WORK.  As with all funds, this will be put to good use helping very vulnerable orphans and widows.November 2016  Curry and Quiz A curry and quiz evening in Corsham, Wiltshire raised over £1,800.  Many thanks to those who organised a very enjoyable event.      Also in November, a Curry and Quiz in Barnstaple raised £900 for W.O.R.K. funds.  Thanks to St. Peter's Church, Fremington for the use of their lovely church hall and to all those who contributed to making it a very successful evening.October 2016  Sponsored Run Ashford Baptist ChurchHuge thanks to everyone at Ashford Baptist Church in Kent who are supporting W.O.R.K. by raising money for their parish 'Kenya Water Project'.  This project will bring water to Namboboto HealthClinic.Their sponsored 10K run brings the total raised so far to £5,861.

The clinic has 18 beds for the use of men, women and children as well as a maternity unit. When the parish took on the project the clinic had no running water.  The only available water was either rain water or water carried uphill from the dam.

The church has raised  the £3,000 needed to pipe water from the reservoir to the clinic and install a 10,000 litre water tank.  The sponsored run raised enough for the second stage of the project namely £1,500 to connect the water to the maternity unit and Minor Theatre and provide sinks and taps.

Stages three and four will involve connecting water to the male ward and night nurse station, fitting an extra sewage outlet and installing six rain collecting tanks.

An ambitious project is making great progress thanks to the enthusiasm and generosity of all involved.

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August 2016  Sponsored Walk  A sponsored walk along the south Devon coast by Fr. Adrian Toffolo raised £2,500.  Fr. Adrian is the parish priest of Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Kingsbridge, south Devon.  He received great support from the parish and from friends in Kingsbridge and beyond. Fr. Adrian checking his route at the start of his 15 mile coastal walk.       July 2016  Afternoon Tea in Barnstaple The home of Yvonne and Ralph Oram was the venue for a delicious tea on a gloriously sunny day in July.   Everyone relaxed in the garden and enjoyed a wonderful selection of sandwiches, scones and cakes.  It was a lovely afternoon and raised a splendid £312 for WORK.