WORK: Widows and Orphans in Rural Kenya

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Water Project completed

Namboboto Health Centre is in an isolated and very poor area.  From very small beginnings there is now a minor surgery theatre where almost any treatment that does not require a full anaesthetic can be carried out.  This is a tremendous boost to this poor community.  A male ward has been added to the female ward and maternity unit.  The recent addition of a children's ward means the clinic can serve it's community very well.Importantly, the clinic is sustainable.  It can pay staff wages from its income whilst still having the resources to help the very poorest widows who cannot pay anything.The project to bring water to the clinic is now complete and has transformed the care that can be given to patients.  A reliable water supply might be seen as a basic necessity but it has taken a great deal of effort to bring this to Namboboto and W.O.R.K. is very grateful for the enthusiastic fundraising which enabled this to happen.You can read more about the project in our Fundraising News