WORK: Widows and Orphans in Rural Kenya

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Tools of the trade

Kids at Sinoko gate copyProviding tools to earn a living.Sinoko VTC is a unique place which gives hope and skills to some of the poorest and most vulnerable young people.  It is one of the few places where young people who have missed out on going to school can be accepted and trained in practical skills.It produces some highly skilled professionals.Sinoko offers them a chance to qualify and support themselves and, often, their siblings.Tools of the tradeWhen students have completed their course at the Youth Polytechnic, if they do not have the right tools it is difficult for them to find a job.  W.O.R.K. provides a few basic tools to get them started then, as they earn a little money, they can buy more.  You can provide the funds to help an orphan start their working life by using this form at the end of this newsletter or by donating here.Here are a few examples of students who have been sponsored and are now qualified.Damaris using new sewing machine  Damarius qualified as a tailor.  She could not buy her own sewing machine.  With the machine donated by W.O.R.K. she can now work and support herself.     Joseph Mulongo with his tools! Joseph receiving his tool kit.  He can now earn a living.      Phylis Wafula Sinoko (Electrical) Phyllis was one of the first girls to qualify as an electrician; not easy in a largely patriarchical society!  She can now support herself.     Augustine Simiyu Augustine has qualified as a motor mechanic.  With the tools provided by W.O.R.K. he can now earn his own living.     W.O.R.K has supported Sinoko for some years and helps about 10 youngsters each year to complete their studies.  The last couple of years has seen the building of a girls' dormitory.  Homeless girls are very vulnerable particularly during the holidays but also during term time. Having somewhere to stay means they are safe and allows them to carry on with their studies.Building under way ........ Sinoko Dormitory front door