Widows and Orphans in Rural Kenya

A registered “Not-for-Profit” charity (Reg. No. 1119959)

W.O.R.K.’s mission is to provide practical and sustainable healthcare and education to create real impact to the lives of orphans and widows in rural Kenya.

Make a donation.

Whatever you can afford to give can make all the difference to someone’s life.

Supporting vulnerable adults and children in Bungoma

W.O.R.K serves the needs of vulnerable adults and children in the Bungoma district of rural Western Kenya, East Africa. The charity was established in 2005 by Mary-Jane Butler, a healthcare professional who spent 10 years living in Bungoma managing health clinics and hospitals.

With the focus on making people self-sufficient, the charity provides health care for some of the poorest families and provides education for children with special needs.


  • School & University funding and support

  • Skills and business training for widows

  • Small loans for business founding

  • Vocational training and apprenticeship courses

  • Provide healthcare for orphans and widows

  • Promote the prevention of ill-health through education

  • Provide support for the most vulnerable children

Please continue to support our work.

How W.O.R.K. began…

W.O.R.K. was established in 2005 by Mary-Jane Butler MBE, a healthcare professional, who had spent the previous 10 years living in the target region managing health clinics and a regional hospital.

Mary-Jane visits the region every year to directly evaluate the various projects.


60% live below the poverty line (1$ a day)

55% of families live in traditional mud houses

47% of homes do not have access to clean water

More than 42% of women walk over an hour to collect water

8,000 women die each year during childbirth

Malaria kills 20,000 children a year

Make a difference

Celebrating the arrival of the new ambulance, which has only been possible with the enormous kindness & generosity of St Edmund Champion Parish, Maidenhead, United Kingdom. Without any doubt, it will save lives.

What this ambulance means to the community:

With this converted Land Cruiser, we can now safely travel the rural roads, even in the rain, which usually makes the roads to isolated communities impossible to use.

Young mothers to-be will no longer need to travel by ox cart to receive medical attention.

We are able to extend our jigger program. Jiggers are small fleas that lay eggs in the feet of barefooted children. Without treatment, jiggers can spread all over the body. We can now visit much further villages and treat everyone and the soil to prevent re-infections.

This year we are supporting:

98 widows
111 orphans
6 schools
2 rural health clinics
Health fees for 800 orphans and widows.

Water Health Education Orphans Widows

Job’s Story

Job’s parents and younger brothers all died. He was alone in the world. He was sponsored through secondary school and college and is now an electrician.

“Look at what you invested on me and am very proud of this as since it radically changed my life to be independent. God bless you a lot and I’ll never stop by saying thank you”

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