St. Bakhita's Health Clinic

Health, knowledge and education are all interlinked and W.O.R.K is using all three to improve the quality of life for widows and orphans.  St. Bakhita Clinic is a small rural health clinic run by an experienced Registered Nurse/Midwife. The clinic offers numerous aspects of preventive as well as curative health care.To meet the growing demand new wards have been built at St. Bakhita's.  A children's ward and a new female ward have greatly improved conditions for patients.  This ambitious project was only possible because of the fundraising efforts of so many people.Jasmine with baby Selma Vaccinations, antenatal and laboratory services are available, as well as overnight beds for those needing them. Many pregnant women attend the free checks for the 'Mother-to-Child' programme (PMTCT). This is a check to see if the mother is HIV positive. If she is, the PMTCT programme is able to provide drugs for her and her baby so that the transfer rate is reduced by up to 95%.   Dirty water is one of the commonest carriers of disease in Africa. Water tanks which collect rain water are a cheap and effective way of providing clean available water.Water tanks at school copyWashing hands at Butula copy


From homelessness to successful career