From homelessness to successful career

Here are a few examples of how donations to WORK have allowed many young people to complete their education.As a result of being sponsored these young people who were orphans with little hope of making something of their lives, are now qualified, self-sufficient and are having a positive input to their own communities.  Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 21.59.32          Screen Shot 2018-03-05 at 22.01.53           GraduationWhen Stephen was orphaned he walked from Nairobi to a village in Western Kenya to find his grandfather.  His grandfather was too old and weak to care for him.W.O.R.K. found Stephen and supported him through his education.  He now has a degree in Forensic Science.Stephen is giving something back to the community.  He is sponsoring workshops on environmental issues and leadership skills.    George Chemwoo 2016 copy George was homeless and unwell from solvent abuse when WORK found him.  He was sponsored through his education and is now a qualified civil engineer with his own business. His company works in poor areas helping to supply clean water to isolated communities.      Agnes Clare Werunga 09 Agnes Clare is teaching in a school in central Kenya.      Frederick Maende Frederick is teaching agriculture in a Youth Polytechnic.  Amongst his students are other orphans who are being sponsored in the same way as he was helped.     Mercy Wamulali 2012  Mercy is working as a social worker helping others.  She understands what it is to have no hope.     Without the generosity of donations to WORK these young people had no hope.  Now they can look forward to the future with the confidence that they can support themselves and, often, their sisters and brothers.


Starting a business


St. Bakhita's Health Clinic